Cabbage is a widely cultivated vegetable that is grown in numerous countries across the globe. The global cabbage production has been steadily increasing, making it an essential crop for farmers worldwide.

Despite being a cool-season crop, cabbage production occurs throughout the year in various countries. Factors such as favorable climatic conditions, advanced agricultural techniques, and high-quality seeds play a crucial role in the success of cabbage cultivation.

Keep reading to learn about total production by country, the various cabbage cultivation techniques employed worldwide, the regional differences in cabbage farming practices, and the future outlook for cabbage production.

Top Cabbage Producing Countries

Cabbage is a highly significant crop grown globally, with some countries producing more than others. The top cabbage producing countries contribute significantly to the overall yield, with some of the largest cabbage producers being dominant.

Ranking Country Production (tonnes)
1 China 34480155.32
2 India 9560000
3 South Korea 2473171.11
5 Russia 2352800
5 Ukraine 1722580
6 Indonesia 1434670.47
7 Japan 1402286.59
8 Kenya 1099881.85
9 Viet Nam 1024202.87
10 United States 959507
 11 Türkiye 860123
12 Germany 733280
13 Poland 726400
14 Uzbekistan 680640
15 North Korea 657155.33

The largest cabbage-producing countries in the world in 2023 are China, India, South Korea, Russia, and Ukraine. These countries account for over 70% of the world’s cabbage production.

China is the leading cabbage producing country worldwide, producing over 34 million tons of cabbage annually. India comes in a close second, harvesting 10 million tons of cabbage annually. South Korea ranks third, and Russia ranks fourth, both producing around 2.4 million tons of cabbage a year, followed by Ukraine with 1.7 million tonnes respectively.

Factors Influencing Cabbage Yields

Cabbage cultivation is a significant aspect of agricultural production, with commercial cabbage production occurring worldwide. However, the yield of cabbage can be influenced by several factors, including growing trends, commercial cabbage production techniques, and the cabbage yield per country.

Agricultural Techniques

The choice of agricultural techniques used to grow cabbage can significantly affect yield rates. For instance, traditional agricultural methods may not be as efficient as modern farming practices, leading to reduced yields. Research indicates that modern agricultural methods, such as the use of high-quality seeds, efficient irrigation systems, and effective pest control measures, can significantly boost cabbage yields.

Climate Conditions

Climate conditions also play a significant role in determining cabbage yields. Research suggests that optimal climate conditions, such as adequate sunlight, moderate temperatures, and sufficient rainfall, are essential for healthy cabbage growth. Cabbage is susceptible to frost damage, and prolonged exposure to hot temperatures can result in poor quality cabbage and reduced yields.

Commercial Production Practices

Commercial cabbage production can have a significant impact on yields. In some countries, small-scale farmers grow cabbage for subsistence, while large-scale commercial farms are prevalent in other countries. Large-scale farming is typically characterized by the use of modern farming techniques, increased mechanization, and the use of fertilizers and other inputs to boost yields.

However, sustainable cabbage farming practices, such as integrated pest management, crop rotation, and reduced chemical use, can also play a vital role in improving yields.

Cabbage Yield Per Country

The cabbage yield per country can vary widely due to several factors, such as climate, soil quality, and production techniques. For instance, China is the world’s largest producer of cabbage, with an estimated production of 33.3 million metric tons in 2020, followed closely by India and Russia. The United States, Poland, and South Korea also have significant cabbage production rates, contributing to the global cabbage industry.

In conclusion, the yield of cabbage can be influenced by several factors, including agricultural techniques, climate conditions, commercial production practices, and cabbage yield per country. Employing modern agricultural practices, such as efficient irrigation systems and effective pest control measures, and adopting sustainable farming methods can help boost yields while contributing to the cabbage industry’s growth.

Cabbage Cultivation Techniques

The cultivation of cabbage has come a long way from its traditional methods, with contemporary farming embracing innovative techniques. Worldwide, cabbage farming has adopted modern practices to deliver a consistent and reliable supply of the popular vegetable. The different techniques employed can vary depending on the region, weather, and soil conditions, along with numerous other factors.

Let us have a detailed look at the various cabbage cultivation techniques used across the globe, which include:

Tropical Asia

Cabbage is widely cultivated in tropical Asia, which includes countries such as India, Thailand, and Malaysia. The most common technique utilized in this region is direct seeding. The seeds are sown in the field, where the plants grow until they reach maturity. The cultivation process occurs during the monsoon season, which provides adequate rainfall, and the plants reach maturity after 90-150 days.


Europe is another significant producer of cabbage. In this region, two primary methods are used for cabbage cultivation – transplants and direct seeding. The transplant method includes growing the plants in a seedbed until they reach a specific size, then transplanting them into the main field. Direct seeding is similar to the tropical Asia technique, where seeds are sown in the field.


North and South America are leading producers of cabbage, where the crop is grown in both temperate and tropical climates. The most common technique employed is transplanting, which involves growing seedlings in nurseries, then transplanting them into the main field after six to eight weeks. Other methods include direct seeding, bed planting, and double-row planting.


In Africa, cabbage cultivation methods vary depending on the region and weather conditions. In East Africa, cabbage is cultivated using the direct seeding method. The crop is grown during the dry season. In West Africa, cabbage is grown during the rainy season, using the bed planting method. Here, organic fertilizers and pesticides are used extensively due to the low availability and affordability of inorganic agricultural inputs.


In Australia, cabbage is cultivated using various techniques, including direct seeding, transplants, and plug plant seedlings. The direct seeding method is frequently used in the temperate regions of Australia, where seedlings are planted in the field after a few weeks. In tropical regions, cabbage is grown using seedlings raised in nurseries and transplanted into the main field.

Cabbage cultivation techniques are continually evolving, with farmers worldwide adopting innovative practices to optimize crop yields. The adoption of new techniques, coupled with the use of modern technology, is helping drive the growth of the cabbage industry by providing a consistent supply of the vegetable to markets across the globe.

Emerging Trends in Cabbage Production

The field of cabbage production is constantly evolving, with new techniques and technologies being developed and adopted to improve yields and sustainability. Here are some of the most significant emerging trends in cabbage growing:

  • Sustainable Farming Practices: As more consumers demand environmentally friendly and ethically produced food, sustainable farming practices are becoming increasingly popular in the cabbage industry. This includes using natural fertilizers, crop rotation, and reducing pesticide use.
  • Vertical Farming: Vertical farming is a relatively new approach to growing cabbage that involves stacking several layers of plants vertically in a controlled environment. This method can increase yield per square foot and reduce water consumption.
  • Technology and Precision Farming: Precision farming is becoming more commonplace in cabbage production, with farmers using drones, sensors, and other technology to monitor crops and apply fertilizers and pesticides more accurately. This can improve efficiency and reduce waste, ultimately improving profitability for farmers.

These emerging trends are likely to shape the future of cabbage farming, as producers adapt to changing consumer demands, environmental concerns, and technological advancements. As such, it is important for farmers to stay informed and willing to incorporate new approaches in order to remain competitive in the global market.

Future Outlook for Cabbage Production

The global cabbage industry is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, owing to the increasing demand for fresh and processed vegetables across the world. According to the latest cabbage farming statistics, the production of cabbage is projected to reach 75 million tons by 2025, driven by the rising population, changing dietary preferences, and growing health consciousness among consumers.

The cabbage industry is also witnessing several advancements in technology and sustainable farming practices, which are expected to boost productivity and efficiency in the long run. Farmers worldwide are adopting innovative approaches such as vertical farming, precision agriculture, and the use of IoT devices to monitor and optimize crop performance, reduce waste and increase yields.

Challenges to Overcome

However, the cabbage industry also faces several challenges that need to be addressed to ensure sustainable growth. The changing climate conditions, soil degradation, and increasing incidences of pests and diseases pose a significant threat to cabbage yields worldwide. Additionally, the lack of skilled labor and inadequate supply chain infrastructure can hamper the growth and profitability of cabbage farming in many regions.

The cabbage industry needs to adopt a holistic approach to overcome these challenges and capitalize on the emerging opportunities. Governments, policymakers, and industry players should collaborate to invest in research and development initiatives, promote sustainable farming practices, and improve the supply chain infrastructure to ensure that fresh and nutritious cabbage reaches every corner of the globe.

The Evolving Role of Cabbage in the Global Agricultural Industry

Cabbage has emerged as one of the most popular and versatile vegetables in the global agricultural industry, catering to diverse markets such as fresh produce, processed food, and industrial applications. The cabbage industry’s future looks promising, as more consumers prefer healthy and sustainable food options, and farmers adopt innovative approaches to reduce carbon footprints and enhance productivity.

The global cabbage production is expected to witness a significant transformation in the coming years, driven by changing market dynamics, advancements in technology, and evolving consumer preferences. The cabbage industry is poised to play a critical role in the sustainable agriculture landscape, providing nutritious and affordable food options to millions of consumers worldwide.


  1. FAO
  2. OMAFRA, Government of Ontario.